Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"A Wide and Extensive Sphere of Action

I absolutely LOVED this chapter that deals with Relief Society happenings in the late 1800's. Any thoughts you would like to share here (especially if you can't come to our meeting) regarding:
  • retrenchment
  • expanding your power for good in family, Church, and the world
  • the difficulties surrounding plural marriage and the manifesto
  • the ability to articulate beliefs, both then and now
  • becoming sister Scriptorians
  • the need for self-reliance
We would love to get a discussion going on our blog. Be brave and remember what Sister Snow said to the early sisters: ". . . If you are endowed with the Spirit of God, no matter how simple your thoughts may be, they will be edifying to those who hear you."


  1. I also loved this chapter. It really taught me how the gospel of Jesus Christ can permeate every aspect of our lives if we will allow it to: It is not only a gospel of spiritual deliverance but when we follow the counsel given by prophets it is also a gospel of temporal deliverance.

  2. Can I first just say that I loved this chapter and will be rereading it over and over. The group was great today and as our new friend from Norway Lise Forsberg said, I also could relate to every comment shared.

    Second because she is such a hero of mine (and I didn't notice this until reading Michele's short biography of her's) that today's meeting was held on her birthday, so Happy Birthday to Emmeline Wells! I hope to grow up to be like her. (Do you think it's to late?)

    And last I want to say thank you Jackie for pointing out the quote from sister Snow. (I had missed it in my reading) I think I will have to frame it and hang it in my house some where.

    "I will go forward, I will smile at the rage of the tempest, and ride fearlessly and triumphantly across the boisterous ocean of circumstance...and the 'testimony of Jesus' will light up a lamp that will guide my vision through the portals of immortality." Eliza R. Snow

    Thank sisters for another wonderful meeting.

    1. Oh I hope somewhere in the high heavens that Sister Emmeline B. Wells knows that an admiring sister from our group acknowledged her birthday! Certainly I think she would be very touched and pleased. I hope these past sisters are aware of their continual influence for good in our lives and our appreciation for their sacrifices and goodness.

    2. It's even better knowing that her exact birthday only comes once every four years...

  3. I am so glad to be part of this group.

  4. I wanted to give the link to the Deseret News article that I read in our discussion regarding polygamy. For those of you who weren't there, here is a little excerpt that I think will make you want to read the rest. (This is quoting a woman named Valerie Hudson.) "In the Lord's eyes," she said, "monogamy is not a sacrifice, but a blessing. But polygamy is a sacrifice. … When God does command polygamy, he understands it is a sacrifice of the joy that would be there for his children if they could live the higher law … the Lord desires all of his children to have the natural joy that comes from living the law of marriage: monogamy."

    I thought the article, titled "Recent Events Highlight Confusion of Polygamy," was a well-thought out explanation to a sometimes troubling doctrinal issue. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


  5. I am so grateful to have been invited to partake at your delightful and insightful gatherings even though I'm not a legitimate member of your ward, and am regretting time restraints that kept me from your last meeting. I love chapter 4 and know I would have learned so much from you. Thank you for this blog so that I can read just a portion of your thoughts and testimonies. Keep 'em comin'!
