Saturday, January 28, 2012

Great Things Can Happen as Women Gather in Homes

We began our discussion in January 2012 with Sister Sharon Huffman, who read us an article regarding her granddaughter who was part of a Young Women's group who help to repair the broken headstone in the Salt Lake City Cemetery of Sister Sarah Kimball (1818-1898).Sarah Kimball was instrumental in helping to establish the first Relief Society in Nauvoo in 1842. The women first met in Sarah's home to make shirts for men working on the temple and desired to form a women's association. After Eliza R. Snow wrote the first bylaws, they were presented to the Prophet Joseph Smith. He responded by saying, the bylaws "were the best he had ever seen. . . and were acceptable of the Lord" and also added that he had something better for them. That next Thursday afternoon he met and organized the women after the manner of the priesthood (p. 12 DIMK) According to Sarah Kimball, the prophet also said,"The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized."

How do you feel when we are gathered with our Relief Society sisters?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cleave unto the Covenants

Our January evening meeting was so uplifting.  Anyone have any comments from those readings?

Chapter 2 - Something Better

  1. Here are the scripture references for chapter 2.  Again, all the scriptures are links to the full text at

Chapter 1 - Relief Society

  1. Here are the scripture references from chapter 1.  All the references are links - click on them to go to the full text of the scripture. 
  2.  John 19:25–27.

Something Extraordinary

"In the first meeting of the Relief Society, Sister Emma Smith said, 'We are going to do something extraordinary.'  She was right."  (Daughters in My Kingdom, xi)

Isn't it nice that we have a place to gather, as sisters, and learn together?  I love having the Sunday togetherness, the monthly meetings of our scripture study group, and now our online notebook here.  I hope that you can feel free to share your thoughts and inspirations here.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

And thus starts the official blog of the American Fork 23rd Ward Relief Society scripture study group. Whew! That was quite a mouthful. This will give us a place to read, write, share, and be inspired. Grab your scriptures, your copy of Daughters in my Kingdom, a (good for you?) snack, and enjoy!